Chuck E Cheese’s

January 14th, 2009

Mya hung out with Alex for a good part of the day today. First they headed over to playtime at Gymboree, where Mya tried continually to climb the slide (not the stairs) to no avail and pushed around an empty crate. Then Mya passed out in the car ride to Chuck E Cheese’s, where she slept during lunch. After about a half hour, she woke to enjoy watching the dancing and singing animals. Mya was especially interested in the strobe light that occasionally lit the room. Mya and Alex got a sketch drawn together, rode on a few rides and ate up some pizza.


Later, Mya headed over to visit Great-grandma Julius, where she was adored by a bunch of the residents as she walked the halls connecting the buildings. She even managed to walk a different hallway that was slanted, requiring her to walk both up- and down-hill.

After a much-needed nap, Mya then went with Alex to the bowling alley to watch his dad bowl. The two retired for the night after a fun-filled day.

Mya now mimiks putting her arms up and down in the air.

Moving Great-Grandma.

January 11th, 2009

Mya was extremely good today, considering she spent the entire day watching family and friends move Great-Grandma Julius into her new apartment. Mya did seem to be pleased that she was able to eat handfuls of cheerios from a bag without spilling them everywhere.


Lunch Date.

January 10th, 2009

Mya had a lunch date today with her friend, Kallie, who she has not since in almost 7 months. Mya was very quiet during the meal and ate quite a bit of food. She caught up on some sleep before later hanging out with some family friends.

Mya has learned how to clap today and now babbles “dadadadada,” although has not associated her dad with this word yet.


Mall Play Area.

January 9th, 2009

Mya and Alex hung out today at the mall play area. Mya took her walker to push around, although every time she stopped and tried standing alone, other kids would run over and grab the walker from her. She met another little boy who enjoyed crawling around with Mya and having her chase him. Mya was having a lot of fun, because she followed him around for quite a while and was laughing along with him. Then she used her walker to make her way out through the mall, although had a little trouble wearing socks on the slippery surface.


Tooth #2.

January 8th, 2009

After a restless night, Mya woke with her second tooth, which is the center, bottom tooth located on the right side. Mya seemed to be a little bit fussier with this tooth than the first one, although it only seemed to really bother her for a few hours during the night.

Mya packed her bags this morning and headed up to PA for a few weeks. The trip went relatively smooth considering she slept the majority of the ride, although the last hour or two in traffic made Mya quite hungry once she finally arrived.


Doctor’s Visit.

January 7th, 2009

Mya hung out with family friend, Tapan, at the mall today. Afterwards, she headed over a doctor’s appointment, where she spent over a half hour waiting in the waiting room for a 30-second visit for her second flu shot. While in the waiting room, Mya played with the trains and had fun pushing a plastic chair around the room.

Later, she waited for her dad to get home from work so she could fill up on some great food at the Cheesecake Factory. Below is her posing with her new toy box that she got for Christmas.


10 Months Old.

January 6th, 2009

Mya is 10 months old today!

Length: 26.5 inches

Weight: 16 lb. 2.5 oz.

Mya had her last stage 2 class at Gymboree today. Next week she will move into the next level of classes, which is focused more on two-way communication and works on discovery, balance and coordination.


Marbles Museum.

January 3rd, 2009

Mya had a playdate with Cora at the local children’s museum called the Marbles Kids Museum. The museum is generally centered around developing creativity using different themes of life.


There was a stage, where kids could play dress-up and act out scenes. A grocery store area allowed children to “buy” groceries and put the food away in the kitchen area. Mya had fun pushing around the grocery cart, although had to reach above her head to actually reach it.


There was a fire truck, ambulance, boat, pirate ship and cars that kids could play in and dress up for each scenario. Mya had so much fun, that her parents bought a year-long membership that would allow her to go whenever she wanted.


First New Year.

January 1st, 2009

Mya entered her first new year today. She woke up about 10 minutes before midnight, which was ironic, considering she has been sleeping well through the night. Mya just relaxed around the house with her parents for the day.


First Tooth!

December 29th, 2008

So after numerous clingy days and quite a bit of biting her mom’s shirt, Mya finally has a tooth coming through and it is sharp. The tooth is the front, bottom tooth on the left. Mya has been a little fussy and she chews on her fingers more, but teething does not seem to have bothered her that much. Our toothless gummed baby is passing another milestone into childhood.
