
February 5th, 2009

Mya got to attend her first circus today! The seats were not that great and Mya was very restless for a lot of the show. The elephants and the tigers did manage to attract her attention though. She stayed awake for the entire show, although shuffled from mom to dad the entire time. The preshow seemed to keep her attention, but she was also moving around to see different acts during that time.


The Elephants.

February 2nd, 2009

Mya headed over to library storytime, as she does every Monday. She played peek-a-boo with a scarf and sat patiently on the blanket during the story waiting for the box of toys to be opened. The weather was so beautiful that she headed to the park to meet up with one of her Gymboree friends, Claira. They both laughed on the swings, used the slides and went to the duck pond, only the duck pond was lacking ducks today. There were a few ducks and geese, but a whole of gulls flying around overhead that kept the attention of Mya and Claira.


Later that night, Mya and her parents headed over to the fairgrounds to watch the elephants walk from the train station to the fairgrounds. The circus is in town this weekend, and the week before the elephants walk the streets from the train to were they will be staying. There were 6 elephants holding onto each others tails, a whole bunch of horses, and even more security guards, cops and trainers. Unfortunately, since it was later in the evening and camera flashes were supposed to be limited, the pictures of the elephants did not turn out so well with the camera.


Mya has this Playskool ball popper that she loves to play with. In the past few weeks, she has figured out how to start the music and knows where the balls need to go when the music stops. Recently, the cat, Bailey, has really been interested in this toy and comes running when the toy starts and Mya watches her try to chase the balls. Today when Mya tried to start up the toy though, the balls would not pop because Mya had taken balls from her other toys, the cats’ toys and her pacifier and shoved them down into the popper.



Super Bowl.

February 1st, 2009

Mya experienced her first Super Bowl today. Her friend, Cora, came over with her parents to hang out. The two played with toys together and were keeping everyone entertained so much, that the Super Bowl was really just background noise. Mya tried so hard to stay awake with Cora, but quickly lost the battle around half-time.



Monkey Joe’s.

January 31st, 2009

Mya and her friend, Cora, hung out at Monkey Joe’s, which is an inflatable indoor playground. The place was bouncing with lots of children and everyone seemed to get exhausted quite quickly. Mya showed Cora, who was a little unsure of the inflatables at first, how much fun it was to bounce and crawl around. With moms in tow, the two conquered some of the obstacles together.





Using A Spoon.

January 28th, 2009

Today Mya has begun to learn the concept of a spoon. Previously she would just hold the spoon while she was fed, but she now knows to put the spoon in the food and then to her mouth. The only thing she has not conquered is actually getting the food onto the spoon, which will be the hardest part. And although  the spoon has been introduced, it was only briefly considered before just digging in to a messy bowl of chicken and rice.

She also likes sticking things up to her ear as if they were a telephone.


Spending Time With Daddy.

January 24th, 2009

After returning from PA on Thursday, Mya got to spend the weekend with her dad, who she had not seen in a while. The family went to the Marbles museum and Mya had fun just walking laps around the museum using the shopping cart.

Mya really enjoys playing on her slide now. She can get to the third step by herself before she gets stuck. Then she will start to fuss until she gets help getting to the top.  At this point, she loves grabbing hands and going up and down the slide another five times before getting tired.



January 19th, 2009

Today Mya headed over to Great-Grandma Julius’s old house, where she had fun climbing the steps to the second floor over and over again. Later, she headed over to Alex’s, where they used the sled and tube to sled on the snow together. They both seemed to have a blast. Mya even liked being pulled back up the hill.



After unfreezing from sledding, Mya headed out to have dinner with Bryce, Kelly and Oz. She gained quite an appetite from using all her energy, resulting in her devouring some tacos.



Playing With the Kids.

January 17th, 2009

Mya hung out with Karissa (KK) and Bryce this morning. KK seemed to really enjoy playing with Mya and showed her how to play with Bryce’s cars. Mya later got toasty by the wood fire and laughed when she got to touch the neighbor’s horses.


Hands-On House.

January 16th, 2009

Mya went to another childrens’ museum today with Bryce and Alex.


Her favorite part of the day actually seemed to be climbing up and down the flight of stairs to the pirate ship and the tree house.


Mya and Alex played against each other in a game to punch out the germs, which they both seemed to be entertained by. Mya played dress-up in a pretty Tinkerbell outfit


and a bright red cowgirl hat.


After a few hours, the kids were all hungry, so the group headed over to Friendly’s for lunch. The day exhausted everyone, so the ride home meant naps for Bryce, Alex and Mya.


Please Touch Museum.

January 15th, 2009

Mya went to the Please Touch Museum with her mom and Grandma and Grandpa Glatfelter. There was a helicopter you could sit, with the arms becoming a see-saw, that Mya enjoyed balancing on.



She played in the treehouse,


pushed a baby doll around in a stroller,


had tea time,


played with food at the grocery store,


and finger-painted.


By the time nap time rolled around, Mya seemed content watching the other kids playing. She then enjoyed a blueberry muffin at lunch before going to visit Great-Grandma Julius.



The picture of Mya trying to feed a chili pepper to the baby doll is just too funny not to add here.
