
February 28th, 2009

Mya took a trip to Build-A-Bear today to make her own bunny. She picked the bunny over a lamb and got to watch it being stuffed and stitched up. She went to play in the mall play area, where she pulled the bunny and the smaller puppy she got for her birthday, out of the bag and was carrying it all over the place. There were quite a few kids for her to play with at the play area.


Keeping Grandma Busy.

February 25th, 2009

This morning, for the first time in almost 6 months, Mya cuddled up and slept for a few hours with her mom. She had woken up bright and early at 6am, and her mom was not ready for the day to begin.


Later, Mya spent the day with Grandma Glatfelter today and kept her quite busy, making grandma chase her around the house as she showed off her walking skills. Apparently, Mya also tired herself out too.


Mya now likes to blow kisses.

Ice Hockey Game.

February 22nd, 2009

Mya attended her first ice hockey game today, the Carolina Hurricanes vs. Colorado Avalanche. Scott’s work gave tickets to the employees, which allowed Mya to meet some of his co-workers.



February 20th, 2009

For the past month or two, Mya has been taking about 9 or 10 steps across the living room, but always ending her walk by trying to grab on to the nearest object. Today, while out shopping with her parents, Mya has walking around the store by holding on to the shopping cart. At one point, she just let go and started walking away. After that, she was continually walking up and down the aisles. She is officially a walker!


House Hunting.

February 15th, 2009

Once again, the family has begun the house hunting process. Mya spent the day looking at potential homes with her parents and Grandma and Grandpa Glatfelter. She behaved quite well for getting in and out of the car all day. She cooled down later with a milkshake, thus the milk mustache below.


Valentine’s Day.

February 14th, 2009

Mya went to Monkey Joe’s today with her parents and Grandma and Grandpa Glatfelter. Mya had a lot of fun, including going down the steep slide with her dad. She was, however, not so excited about the mascot, Monkey Joe. She started screaming and trying to get away from him. Later that night, Mya hung out with her grandparents while her parents went on a date.



Whole Milk.

February 10th, 2009

Mya was introduced to whole milk today. Although Mya is not quite 1 year, the Dr. okay’d her doing half and half of breast milk and whole milk, since her mom’s supply isn’t keeping up with Mya. She did well with the new addition in her diet.


The Park with Luke.

February 8th, 2009

Today Mya hung out with Grandma and Grandpa Gonzalez before they headed out of town. She enjoyed a nice lunch with them, and then met her friend, Luke, at the park to see the ducks and play on the swings. It was such a beautiful day out that the park was very crowded, although both Mya and Luke still had fun.



February 7th, 2009

Mya visited with Grandma and Grandpa Gonzalez today. The family headed over to the Marble museum, where Mya had a hard time being distracted from pushing around the shopping cart. She met another little girl named Harmony, who helped her push around the cart for a little. Mya tried to get her to warm up to the stuffed animals, but to no avail. Kristin, for the first time, stuck a smock on Mya while she played in the water, which worked out best considering it has been the wettest visit yet.


Later, the family headed out for Cuban dinner, which was quickly rejected by our recent picky eater. The past week or two has been quite unsuccessful as far as eating has been concerned. Hopefully this will pass. The only thing that Mya did eat were the black beans, which quickly became quite a mess. There were bean remains even found in her ears when she got washed down in the bathroom afterwards.


Also, recently Mya has been taking a three or four steps here and there. Today, she took about eight steps on her own, wobbling as she went.



11 Months.

February 6th, 2009

Mya is 11 months old today, which means the next celebration will be her first birthday. To think that only a year ago, we were all anxious for her to make her first appearance.

Length: 27  1/4 inches

Weight: 17 lbs.