March 27th, 2009
Mya got to see her future house. She had seen the house last week, but actually found out today that the family would be moving into the house in June. There had been a previous offer by another family that same day, but our offer was accepted. Now the packing once again commences, with the hopes that this house will remain the family home for quite a few years.
Now Mya likes trying to brush her hair in the morning,

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March 24th, 2009
Mya and her mom went to Monkey Joe’s today. Mya kept crawling over to the stairs and turning around to wait for her mom, so she could go down the slides. She squeals with delight every time she goes down a slide. Mya knows what Monkey Joe’s is as “bounce bounce,” so when she is asked if she wants to go, she bends her legs and bounces up and down. After a few hours, Mya and her mom crawled out of the inflatables, both completely exhausted.

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March 22nd, 2009
Mya enjoyed the day at the local Adventure Landing. She was laughing as she watched the go-carts race around the track. She watched, while playing with her own ball, as her parents and family friends, Wes and Ashley played mini golf. Mya would race down the greens to try and steal everyone’s balls. She headed out to dinner, where her patience quickly grew thin for bedtime.

Mya wore hard-soled shoes for the first time today, with no problems. Previously, she would throw herself on the ground and refused to walk, but after a few minutes of duck waddling from the different experience, she continued with her adventures.

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March 14th, 2009
Mya’s vocabulary is starting to expand. Although she has not quite perfected a lot of the words yet, we are starting to understand what she is talking about when she repeats them back.
Quack – sounds more like cat with a -k- instead of a -t- (cak).
Thank you – sounds more like “tan -ou”.
The letter “W” – “da-da-ou”.
Drink – she says “ba-ba” for her cup or a drink, which is funny, since she has rarely used a bottle and has not used one in over a month.
Done – this word sounds correct and she uses it whenever she is ready to get up from her high chair.
Kitty – sounds like “itty”.
Book – she has the -b- down.
Hot dog – this word is only missing the -g- at the end.
Shoe – this word sounds correct.

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March 9th, 2009
The weather was beautiful today, making an outting to the park with Mom, Laur and Tapan quite adventureous.

Mya gained a new friend, who seemed to enjoy taking Mya down the slide and helping her climb the stairs. Mya got to play in the sand, and with luck, none of it ended up in her mouth.

Later she headed out for some ice cream, where the spoon got thrown aside and Mya showed everyone how to truly eat ice cream.

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March 7th, 2009
Mya celebrated her birthday with many family and friends in Pennsylvania today. Her parents had rented a cabin along Gifford Pinchot Lake for the weekend and were able to sit around the campfire and enjoy the beautiful weather with everyone. Mya visited with everyone and then got to dig into her own cake. She celebrated in the positive attention by clapping her hands and squealing in delight as she smashed her hands into the cake. Later, opening gifts kept her attention for a short time before she began to grow restless. Mya, who did not wish to take a morning nap, did really well up until 5pm, at which point she passed out for about an hour. By nightfall, Mya was fast asleep from all of the excitement.

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March 6th, 2009
Since a large group of family and friends were getting together to celebrate Mya’s birthday, we decided it would be a great time to share our news with everyone. Mya, dawning her “Big Sister” shirt, caused a lot of double-takes and loads of questions. Around the beginning of November, Mya will be able to welcome her new sibling into the world.

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March 6th, 2009
It is amazing to believe that just a year ago our little bundle of joy was being introduced into the world. Looking back at the past year, Mya has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. Every milestone was not only a moment to be excited about, but another reminder of what a blessing it was to have a healthy baby. Every day with Mya is another reason to love this child so much. She is such a blessing to our family and not a day goes by that we aren’t reminded of this.
Mya had her one-year check-up yesterday. Along with her regular scheduled shots (Premar, MMR and chicken pox), the doctors also took blood to test her for anemia because she is so small.
Length: 28 inches (15th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs. 10 oz. (5th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm. (10th percentile)

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March 5th, 2009
Today Mya was introduced to some family friends from Florida, Michelle and Iz. Iz is a few months older than Mya, so the two had some fun bouncing around at Monkey Joe’s. Mya really enjoyed being able to run around in the toddler zone, because she would walk real quick, fall and start giggling because she would bounce when she fell.

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March 1st, 2009
Mya had her first introduction to peanut butter. She really liked this new food, which resulted in Mya rubbing an entire slice of bread over her face to lick off the peant butter.

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