Introducing Baby Boy Dylan.

November 1, 2009

The day started quite early today for Mya’s parents. Around 4:30am, Kristin’s water and part of the placenta burst, resulting in a large gush of water and blood. After notifying Mya’s babysitter, Scott and Kristin headed to the hospital in the pouring rain in the hopes of Kristin receiving an epidural. Upon arrival at the hospital around 5:45am, Kristin was dilated 4cm. Shortly before 7am and at the same time the nurse got the OK for Kristin to receive an epidural, the need to push began. After three pushes and minus any drugs, Dylan Cooper Gonzalez made his grand entrance into the world at 7:02am. He weighed 6 lbs. 7.6 oz.,  had a length of 20 inches, and a head circumference of 32 cm.


Although everything initially appeared fine, once Dylan’s meconium (stool) came in, so did a lot of blood. According to the doctors, parts of a low-lying placenta broke off when the water broke and Dylan apparently swallowed a good amount of blood. He did manage to pass most of the blood before the end of the night.



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