2-Week Check-up.

November 16, 2009

Dylan had his 2-week check-up today. His jaundice is much better and he is gaining weight quickly. He gained a pound in the past week!

Weight: 7 lbs. 9.5 oz. (20th percentile)

Length: 20.25 in. (30th percentile)

Head Circumference: 34.5 cm (10th percentile)


Today was Scott’s first day back at work, leaving Kristin to her first half day alone with the kids. Mya also began her first day in pull-ups. She had been showing signs of being ready to potty train prior to Dylan’s birth, but the family decided to wait until she transitioned through her brother’s introduction into the family. Although Mya did not pee in the potty today, she is beginning to learn the routine in the bathroom and loves washing her hands.


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