The Elephants.

February 2, 2009

Mya headed over to library storytime, as she does every Monday. She played peek-a-boo with a scarf and sat patiently on the blanket during the story waiting for the box of toys to be opened. The weather was so beautiful that she headed to the park to meet up with one of her Gymboree friends, Claira. They both laughed on the swings, used the slides and went to the duck pond, only the duck pond was lacking ducks today. There were a few ducks and geese, but a whole of gulls flying around overhead that kept the attention of Mya and Claira.


Later that night, Mya and her parents headed over to the fairgrounds to watch the elephants walk from the train station to the fairgrounds. The circus is in town this weekend, and the week before the elephants walk the streets from the train to were they will be staying. There were 6 elephants holding onto each others tails, a whole bunch of horses, and even more security guards, cops and trainers. Unfortunately, since it was later in the evening and camera flashes were supposed to be limited, the pictures of the elephants did not turn out so well with the camera.


Mya has this Playskool ball popper that she loves to play with. In the past few weeks, she has figured out how to start the music and knows where the balls need to go when the music stops. Recently, the cat, Bailey, has really been interested in this toy and comes running when the toy starts and Mya watches her try to chase the balls. Today when Mya tried to start up the toy though, the balls would not pop because Mya had taken balls from her other toys, the cats’ toys and her pacifier and shoved them down into the popper.



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